
Ken's Blog

This section of the 'Nuff Said! web site includes articles, essays and
opinion pieces by me that have little or nothing to do with comics.
Comics-oriented articles will be in the articles section.
There is some personal information in the hosts section.

I have a wide array of interests and now that I'm adding pages to my personal section, it's time to do a . . .

Table of Contents

How New York state got 5,000 Megawatts of Solar Power

An Eyewitness Report on Hurricane Sandy

Some of My Thoughts and Experiences on the 9-11 World Trade Center Disaster

Chernobyl-on-the-Hudson, the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.

My article connecting the issues of fracking, pipelines, radon, #6 fuel oil conversion, Navajo uranium mining, renewable energy, electric cars, etc.

My article on the Corporate Use of Statistics.

My first published story: "Swords in the World Series" by Ken Gale, Jim Starlin and Joe Rubenstein.

Mark Mazz interviews Ken Gale, 2007.

Thanking Fred Hellerman for one of my favorite songs.

Surprises at Lincoln Center.

My personal reminiscences of Alexei Kondratiev, a great man and good friend.

My tribute to Len Rosenberg, a long-time friend and one of the most influential people in my life.

My eulogy to Chris Companik, a friend, cartoonist and activist.

My tribute to Therese Chorun, an effective, life-long ecologic activist and former WBAI staffer.

Some of my thoughts on social networking sites.

My comment on the election, this baseball joke.

The Fandom Fireballs, Comic Book Fans vs. Marvel Comics in Softball.

Am I Turning into an Astronomy Buff? -
after seeing the Lunar eclipse and the rings of Saturn through a telescope.

Birding Trip Report - Boreal Forest of Vermont

My thoughts on the 1999 Seattle WTO Riots

Play Lists from some of the music shows I've done.

An introduction to our independent comic book company, Evolution Comics

Ed Menje started this Silly Page and I occasionally add to it.

Table of Contents to Comics-oriented Articles

What went through my mind when 'Nuff Said! was canceled.

Music that mentions comics enlarged and improved thanks to Chris Companik
(this is a very long article so please be patient while it loads)

Link to my Jealous of Hunters article for Wildlife Watch, which was moved to the new C.A.S.H. web site..

Link to an August 6, 2012 YouTube video of the Occupy Wall St. rally on the 67th anniversary of the Hiroshima A-bombing. My talk connecting nuclear power and nuclear weapons begins at 04:42.

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Page and graphics designed by Ed Menje.
Contents Maintained and © Ken Gale 2018 except as otherwise noted.
PAGE UPDATED Oct. 29, 2018