Page always under construction as I add new links.
We used to summarize full articles at the beginning of every episode of Eco-Logic and new links
would be added to this page to accompany every show. With our 25 minute format, we can only mention environmental News
occasionally. Check our main Eco-Logic page for when
those shows occur.
In the meantime, check the links below. Most of this information is timeless.
Ask WBAI management to restore Eco-Logic's hour!
Links to other WBAI shows and to musicians and creative friends are on the main links page.
Eco-Logic's Facebook page.
Environment TV is a great place for environmental news and information.
Here are contents of Environment TV Magazines, Environmental Forums and videoed episodes
of Eco-Logic with links so you can watch them.
Permanent Eco-Logic archives and related audio and video links.

Resource List for Long Beach Town Meeting:
Solutions to Climate Chaos.
Ken's article connecting the issues of fracking, pipelines, radon, #6 fuel oil conversion,
Navajo uranium mining, renewable energy, electric cars, etc.
Ken's article on Activists' role in declining NYC energy use.
How New York state got 5,000 Megawatts of Solar Power
Who profits from climate change?

Web sites for announcements on the October 23, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
See main Eco-Logic page for links.

Web sites for announcements on the August 7, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Canadian ice caps disappear - ecowatch article.
Canadian ice caps disappear - gizmodod article.
Canadian ice caps disappear - NSIDC report.
Canadian ice caps disappear - Journal article.
thawing permafrost - video.
thawing permafrost - article.
New Jersey School of Conservation is in crisis.
Friends of the New Jersey School of Conservation.
Congressional Report from the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.
EIS and DAPL - Earthjustice.
EIS and DAPL - ecoWatch.
George Takei video on Hiroshima.
Hibakusha Appeal.
Environmental game.
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the July 17, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic:
July 17, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
March 10, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic on genes and birds.
Nuclear industry wants hand-outs and less safety.
Covid-19 interupts nuke fueling.
Which tree species clean air best.
100 groups protecting Monarch butterflies.
Milkweed for Monarch butterflies
The unnecessary Danskammer power plant.
Transition to renewable energy:
U.S. jobs.
Activists get New York State 5,000 megawatts of solar power.
Coal to sol success story Holyoke, Mass. - Community Vision.
Coal to sol success story Holyoke, Mass. - Smart Cities.
Coal to sol success story Holyoke, Mass. - youtube.
Storage instead of methane - Middletown Herald-Record online.
Storage instead of methane - developer.
Storage instead of methane - NYSERDA.
Solar tops oil.
Saving Money & Reducing Emissions.
NYC Solar Schools Initiative.
Pangolin articles and information:
Center for Biological Diversity - petition included.
BBC on covid-19 link.
UK Guardian on covid-19 link.
Origin of covid-19 - Science News.
Pangolins off Traditional Medicine list - EcoWatch.
Pangolins still trafficked.
Pangolin killers caught - Washington Post.
Ending wildlife trafficking report.
Animal protection bills going through Congress.
More Environmental News:

Missing links from the unaired but podcast March 24, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
Teacher Institute for Evolution Science.
Origin of covid-19 - Science News.
Origin of covid-19 - BBC.
EPA suspends enforcement of environmental laws amid coronavirus.
Dr. Majid Ali on coronavirus.
EPA list of disinfectants.
Air pollution and Covid-19.
Success against air pollution.
Fossil fuel industry takes advantage of Covid-19.
Warm weather countries and coronavirus.
Indian Point transfer danger.
Pesticide poison bill stuck in Committee.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the March 17, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Dr. Majid Ali on coronavirus.
EPA list of disinfectants.
Pesticide poison bill stuck in Committee.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the March 10, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Nuclear terrorists.
Indian Point transfer danger.
Pipeline rubber stamp rescinded?.
Pesticide poison bill stuck in Committee.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the February 18, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Nuclear terrorists.
Greta Thunberg to World Leaders February 2020 - transcript.
Greta Thunberg to World Leaders February 2020 - video.
Beyond Nuclear International Handbooks.
Animals and nuclear power - article
Animals and nuclear power - booklet.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the February 4, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Ban pesticides in City parks.
Building Energy Exchange.
Our Climate Our Future.
National bill to ban fracking.
Japan building many coal plants.
African environmentalist cropped from AP photo - Beyond Nuclear.
African environmentalist cropped from AP photo - Associated Press.
African environmentalist cropped from AP photo - The Hill.
Virginia paving over state’s largest waterbird colony - Birdwatching Daily.
Virginia paving over state’s largest waterbird colony - American Bird Conservancy.
Virginia paving over state’s largest waterbird colony - petition.
International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (Doomsday Glacier study).
Doomsday Glacier melting faster.
Sea Levels rising on U.S. coasts:
UK Guardian article.
Virginia Institute of Marine Science research.
Virginia Institute of Marine Science report
Virginia Institute of Marine Science east coast report.
climate.gov article.
Ecowatch.com article
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the January 21, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Youth climate lawsuit update.
5G climate hazard update and international rally info.
Peoples' Music Network.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the January 14, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
U N trying to stop 6th mass extinction - article.
U N trying to stop 6th mass extinction - CBD report pdf.
Human body temperature changes.
Blackest U.S. city and environmental justice.
Environmentalists called terrorists - UK.
Environmentalists called terrorists - US.
Nuclear preparation shrunk.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the January 7, 2020 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Cartoon Guide to the Environment.
Australia's hottest year on record - 1.5 degrees more.
480 million animals dead in Australia.
Radioactive particles in smoke.
Nuclear waste dumps in Australia.
FAIR analysis of wildfires and media coverage without climate mentioned.
Lethal algae - nature out of balance.
Amazon fires climate activists.
Methane extracted from permafrost - ecowatch.com.
Methane extracted from permafrost - Newsweek.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the December 31, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Coastal New Jersey Going Under Water - article.
Coastal New Jersey Going Under Water - report.
Analysis of recent climate movement.
A UN IPCC report Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere.
NYC plans to combat climate chaos.
Earth-friendly diet.
Earth and Water Protectors putting their lives on the line - PBI Canada.
Earth and Water Protectors putting their lives on the line - UK Guardian.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the December 17, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
Jan. 4, 2020 benefit concert tickets.
Jan. 4, 2020 benefit concert tickets - for BAI Buddies.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Organic Farmers Association conference in Iowa.
Fossil fuel industry trying to buy the Youth Climate Movement.
Climate issue and the debates.
A UN COP25 report.
NYC Christmas trees workers co-operative.
Clearwater environmental actions.
Goldman Sachs acknowledges climate change.
Basic facts about the Cricket Valley fracked methane plant.
New York City Passes Country's best Bird-friendly Building Legislation.
Project Safe Flight.
Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in the '90s.
A legal victory for water against Nestle.
Using dogs to find invasive species.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the September 24, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Riverkeeper Press Release on Electricity from Canada.
Pipelines vs. Eminent Domain.
Victory for Right Whales.
Bad economics of nuclear power.
Extinction Rebellion.
Bills to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos.
Endangered Earth art gallery exhibit.
Billions of bird deaths:
Report - American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Birdwatching Daily.
Science News.
UK Guardian.
NY Times.
Washington Post.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the September 24, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Floating Russian nuke.
Rise and Resist events.
Greta Thunberg at United Nations 9-23-19.
Jordan Journal climate special.
Ken climate day listener phone call special.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the September 10, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Ban pesticides in City parks.
Peoples' Voice Cafe.
Paying for It: Estimating and Responding to the Costs of Climate Inaction.
Anti-Progressive/Environmental Democratic Party - Common Dreams.
Anti-Progressive/Environmental Democratic Party - The Intercept.
Anti-Progressive/Environmental Democratic Party - Video.
Indigenous people & rainforest fires.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the August 27, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Greenland ice cap melting.
Amazon fire & leaked documents - Ecowatch.
Amazon fire & leaked documents - Open Democracy.
52 illegal nuclear plants.
EPA approves poison.
EPA approves poison.
Clearwater public sails.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the August 13, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Big Pharma modifies google searches.
Big Pharma uses cointelpro tactics.
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty ends.
NRC strikes "require" from regulations.
U.S. nukes not ready for fires.
Sept. 20 Climate Strike.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites from the July 30, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
WBAI Buddy - sustaining member.
A Dutch expert on protecting cities from flooding.

Web sites for announcements on the July 16, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
River that Harms.
Flint governor awarded.
Climate crisis congressional resolution - UK Guardian.
Climate crisis congressional resolution - Common Dreams.
Climate crisis congressional resolution - Inside Climate News.
Climate crisis congressional resolution - press release.
California quake and nuke waste - Orange County Register.
California quake and nuke waste - San Onofre Safety.
Extreme weather and dam safety.
List of Tr*mp environmental degradation - NY Times.
List of Tr*mp environmental degradation - Columbia Climate Law.
List of Tr*mp environmental degradation - Harvard Law School.
List of Tr*mp environmental degradation - NRDC.
List of Tr*mp environmental degradation - National Geographic.
List of Tr*mp environmental degradation - NIRS.
5G Technology scientific articles.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the July 2, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
NJ Transit methane plant.
Pesticide bill re-introduced.
Climate change and heat wave.
Earth Uprising.
New materials for solar cells - article.
New materials for solar cells - Electronics Weekly
New materials for solar cells - journal report.
U.S. military greenhouse gases - article.
U.S. military greenhouse gases - full report.
U.S. military greenhouse gases - report summary.
Pilgrim nuke shuts down.
Ohio nuke bailout.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the June 18, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
More Firefly links:
Sara Lewis TED Talk.
Fireflyer Companion (Jim Lloyd).
Silent Sparks blog.
Firefly Watch Citizen Science.
inaturalist Citizen Science.
National Park Service firefly page.
Insect metamorphosis evolution
Darwin Online.
UK Glow-Worm Survey.
Nuptial firefly gifts.
Blue Ghost blog.
Blue Ghost scientific journal article.
Bioluminescence web page.
Tom Eisner.
Sara Lewis video.
Mills Brothers song.
Online insect field guide.
Secret NJ LNG plant discovered - article.
Secret NJ LNG plant discovered - press release.
Border Wall environmental effects - ecowatch.com.
Border Wall environmental effects - T & D World.
Border Wall environmental effects - The Revelator.
Border Wall environmental laws waived.
Quick link to May 7 show & more wall links.
Scientific journal article on heat-related deaths
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the May 21, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
Clearwater Festival passes via WBAI.
Clearwater Festival June 15 & 16.
City Hall biodiversity rally May 22, 2019.
UN Climate Action Summit.
UN Biodiversity Summit leaders
Antarctic ice melting faster than predicted - article.
Antarctic ice melting faster than predicted - report.
Interior secretary ignorance - UK Guardian article.
Interior secretary ignorance - Reuters article.
Plastic is a climate hazard - newspaper article.
Plastic is a climate hazard - CIEL Study report.
Plastic is a climate hazard - CIEL Study report summary.
Plastic is a climate hazard - CIEL Study report download.
4 cd set of Eco-Logic.
Plastic pollution and environmental justice - article.
Plastic pollution and environmental justice - report
Nuclear test radiation escapes.
Nuclear weapons 2020 budget.
Ocean mapped for industry -article.
Ocean mapped for industry - gov't press release.
Wildfires and climate change - ecowatch.
Wildfires and climate change - UCS.
Exxon shareholder revolt continues
Poison power SEC help vs. shareholders.
Amsterdam to ban non-electric cars
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the May 7, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
Clearwater Festival passes via WBAI.
Clearwater Festival June 15 & 16.
Staten Island Environmental Fair May 11.
NYC Friends of Clearwater.
STEM Expo May 18
One Million species face extinction - United Nations report.
One Million species face extinction - Associated Press article
One Million species face extinction - UK Guardian article.
Climate crisis puts huimanity at risk.
Birds killed by buildings - newspaper article.
Birds killed by buildings - Journal report.
Birds killed by buildings - university article.
Border wall environmental impacts - Xerces article.
Border wall environmental impacts - journal article.
Border wall environmental impacts - support signatories.
How to attract butterflies to your garden
Climate Action Now Act passes House of Representatives - Washington Post.
Climate Action Now Act passes House of Representatives - ecowatch.com.
Climate Action Now Act passes House - insideclimatenews.org.
Climate Action Now Act text.
Coastal protection rules rollback - Washington Post.
Coastal protection rules rollback - ecowatch.com.
UK Parliament climate legislation
Arctic Council statement.
White House recruiting climate deniers
Fourth National Climate Assessment.
Unsafe air throughout the U.S. - article.
Unsafe air throughout the U.S. - report.
Analysis of mainstream media on the Green New Deal
How to track a bill through Congress.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the April 23, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
Largest freshwater turtle extinct soon.
Beach chair kills rarest sea turtle.
NY Turtle and Tortoise Society.
Greenland melting faster than expected.
Indigenous Amazonians fighting oil companies - article.
Indigenous Amazonians fighting oil companies - Waorani press release.
Plant and Animal Species Loss. Societal Crisis?
U.S. media and climate.
interview with EPA head.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the April 22, 2019 Earth Day episode of Eco-Logic.
Sri Lanka bombings and nuclear policy.
Sri Lanka Under the Nuclear Shadow.
President cuts renewable energy funding.
5,000 megawatts of solar and efficiency in just ten years.
Renewable energy jobs.
Hudson River endangered - Riverkeeper.
Hudson River endangered - American Rivers magazine.
Warning to investers on climate change.
Fossil fuel industry celebrates.
AARP PA on nuclear bailout.
NY nuclear bailout
Stop the Cuomo Tax.
Geoengineering businesses
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the April 9, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Nuclear war conference.
Rhino poacher trampled.
Staten Island resource map.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the March 26, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Three Mile Island Alert.
Accidents Can Happen film.
NIRS GRIP Project.
Beyond Nuclear.
Plant and animal mutations from nuclear power - photos.
Big Picture Big Apple - facebook page.
20/20 Gallery - Three Mile Island art.
No need for Williams Pipeline report.
Federal judge rejects fracking on public lands.
Effects of fracking on public lands - article.
Effects of fracking on public lands - report.
U.S. solar boom - Renew Economy, Australia.
U.S. solar boom - PV magazine.
30th Anniversary of Exxon-Valdez oil spill:
Search engine results.
mustreadalask.com article.
Seattle Times article.
Alaskan radio show.
Passive House techniques info
Passive House videos
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the March 12, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Solar jobs.
NY City Council Solar Jobs Project.
5,000 megawatts of solar and efficiency in just ten years.
youth-led sit-in at Mitch McConnell's office.
Business poll: Americans want a Green New Deal.
Massive mysterious Dutch seabird deaths.
98% seabird colony collapse.
350.org Green New Deal forum.
Nuclear war conference.
NYC Friends of Clearwater
20/20 Gallery - Three Mile Island art
Liberal Dems vs. NAFTA 2.0
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Jan. 15, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
2018 midterm election environmental ballot initiatives - Grist.
2018 midterm election environmental ballot initiatives - inhabitat.
2018 midterm election environmental ballot initiatives - National Geographic.
2018 midterm election environmental ballot initiatives - Washington Post.
2018 midterm election environmental ballot initiatives - CNN.
2018 midterm election environmental ballot initiatives - Bloomberg.
UK electricity at 1994 levels - Daily Kos.
UK electricity at 1994 levels - Carbon Brief.
UK electricity at 1994 levels - full report.
New Yorkers save 5,000 megawatts in only ten years.
Eyewitness account of Pacific garbage patch.
Pacific Garbage Patches.
Indigenus call Canadian pipeline police an Act of War.
NYC energy plan.
Most endangered bird in the world - one left.
Benefit - Studio 54 movie screening.
Running list of Tr*mp environmental policy.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Jan. 1, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic.
How New York state got 5,000 Megawatts of Solar Power.
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater.

Web sites for announcements on the Nov. 20, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Scientist vs. climate denier.
Pod about the creation of climate denial.
Future look at wildfires.
50 years of climate warning science.
Category 6 hurricanes are coming.
American eco-refugees.
Map of California wildfires.
Climate fast video.
Climate fast article.
Judge blocks kxl pipeline.
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe renews lawsuit - article.
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe renews lawsuit - legal brief.
analyzing Obama admin. on climate.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez arrested with Youth climate activists.
Climate activists block five Thames bridges.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Sept. 25, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Prediction of "winter finch" irruptions.
Can net neutrality survive 5G?.
Health effects of 5G technology.
The problem with 5G tech.
Amtrak weedkilling kills urban garden food plants.
Anti-free speech laws target environmentalists.
Health effects of Trump's anti-environment policies.
Samoan Prime Minister calls climate deniers crazy.
Bird extinctions of 2018.
Canada bans neonic pesticides.
New York Independent System Operator (maintains electricity grid).
Sustainable Westchester.
New Brunswick, NJ's Clean Energy goal.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the August 28, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Analysis of an extreme conservative adoption of the climate change issue.
Racist extreme conservative adoption of the climate change issue.
Interior Sec. blames environmentalists not climate for wildfires - NBC.
Interior Sec. blames environmentalists not climate for wildfires - Democracy Now.
Interior Sec. blames environmentalists not climate for wildfires - CBS.
Verizon cuts internet for wildfire fighters net neutrality - freepress.net.
Verizon cuts internet for wildfire fighters net neutrality - ecowatch.com.
Mediocre NYC building efficiency report.
Italian oil company threat to coelacanth extinction.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the August 14, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
National Cancer Institute links leukemia to low-level radiation exposure
Plastic waste a source of methane
Secretary of energy visits NY nukes.
Naomi Klein response to NY Times climate article.
Jacobin response to NY Times climate article.
Mother Jones response to NY Times climate article.
A Sustainable Energy Future is Possible Now - Abolition 2000.
NYC storm surge barriers threaten Hudson River.
NY-NJ Coastal Storm Risk Mgmt Study.
Contact Army Corps of Engineers on Storm Surge plans.
Rise For Climate Jobs & Justice
ResistSpectra fund.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the July 17, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Summary of Flint, Michigan water crisis
A victory on the tar sands oil issue
Internet threatened by sea level rise - Ecowatch.com article.
Internet threatened by sea level rise - University report.
VP Pence gas stations contaminate drinking water - Ecowatch.com article.
VP Pence gas stations contaminate drinking water - AP article.
Walking in nature improves health.
Hiking reduces depression.
Sunlight reduces depression.
EPA attacks science - Friends of Earth petition.
Many species close to extinction.
Celebration of Our Relationship with Animals - Rockaway Beach.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the July 3, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
Amory Lovins refutes pro-nuclear myths - IPSEC article.
Amory Lovins refutes pro-nuclear myths - Grist article.
Clearwater's renewable energy page - with several links.
Flood Help NY.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the June 19, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
All of Antarctic ice melting faster - article & video.
All of Antarctic ice melting faster - study, cookies required.
Lives lost with new pollution standards - article.
Lives lost with new pollution standards - study.
Court upholds NYC styrofoam ban.
New radioactive waste ocean dumping.
Playground soil qualifies as nuclear waste.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the June 5, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
WBAI Eco-Logic premiums.
NYC lawsuit against 5 fossil fuel companies.
Shell oil shareholder challenge over climate.
Jef Mallett comic strip comparing golf and mountain biking.
Food direct from the farm.
Bee action.
European Union bans poison on food.
Disastrous GOP Farm Bill defeated.
Bayer-Monsanto mega-merger imminent.
NY Community Solar growing.
Puerto Rico Hurricane killed 5,000 - article, cookies required for access.
Puerto Rico Hurricane killed 5,000 - perspective, cookies required.
Columbia U hires fossil fuel defender.
U.S. wildlife threatened.
Crack FERC Open.
Clearwater Hudson River Revival Music and Environmental Festival.
Stop Williams Pipeline.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the May 8, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
Environmentalist stakes a mining claim.
Bee action.
Save injured birds.
Socially conscious music cafe every Saturday evening.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the April 24, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
EPA will put corporate profits ahead of human health.
15 top U.S. corporate polluters.
Disruption of the Gulf Stream.
Auto mileage & pollution standards rolled back.
Nuclear waste barrel ruptures.
Stop methane flaring.
Pennsylvania map of methane flares.
Water policy transparency lawsuit.
Save injured birds.
Staten Island Coalition for Wetlands and Forests.
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition.
Socially conscious music cafe every Saturday evening.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the April 10, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
Scientific American article on masculinity and environmental activism.
Protection for threatened species removed.
Coal waste dumped into drinking water.
Re-use is better than recycle.
Sharing is better than destroying e-list.
Save injured birds.
Recycle electronic waste.
Earthquakes and nuclear power plants including a map.
Fukushima earthquake and Antarctic glaciers.
Socially conscious music cafe every Saturday evening.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Jan. 30, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
30% solar tariff.
ultrafine aerosols effect on climate.
Climate videos:
2017 hurricane season - NASA.
Economic damage of 2017 named storms.
Minor unnamed storms as well as major ones - NOAA.
Carbon dioxide emissions and absorptions in one year - NOAA. Not methane.
Global CO2 emission globally time lapse 1751-2008.
Climate change, global warming, sunspots minor effect - NASA.
Socially conscious music cafe every Saturday evening.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Jan. 16, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
Give to WBAI.
NYC Friends of Clearwater every 3rd Friday.
Socially conscious music cafe every Saturday evening.
RGGI extended to 2030 - no carbon tax.
Migratory Bird Treaty Act not enforced.
NJ cancels nuclear giveaway.
NYC sues fossil fuel companies.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Jan. 2, 2018 episode of Eco-Logic.
Give to WBAI.
Polar ice cap melting and the cold snap.
Climate change and national security - article.
Climate change and national security - search.
Iceland elects environmentalist Prime Minister.
Paleontologists sue the president.
Stop AIM pipeline.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Dec. 19, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Give to WBAI.
NYC City Council Bill #800-2015 about pesticides and kids
NYC Office of Alternative Energy.
Scientific studies on human-caused climate change - Science News magazine.
Scientific studies on human-caused climate change - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society article.
Meteorological studies on human-caused climate change - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society study.
Libertarian conference promoting science skepticism to judges.
Union County NJ tank train derailment.
Map of U.S. bomb train routes.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro.
More Environmental News:
3D printing videos:
Manufacturing using only sun power and sand.
Kurt Wendt's dragon.
Kurt Wendt's 3D printing presentation - part 1 of 3.
Kurt Wendt's 3D printing presentation - part 2 of 3.
Kurt Wendt's 3D printing presentation - part 3 of 3.
Free 3D software.
tutorial on using Sculptris.
3D Printing from Recycled Ocean Plastic.
3D Printer Filament From Recycled Bottles.

Web sites for announcements on the Nov. 21, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Give to WBAI.
210,000 gallon Keystone pipeline oil spill.
NYC City Council Bill #800-2015 about pesticides and kids
Friends of the Earth pesticide action.
Report on condition of U.S. beaches.
Trans-Pacific Partnership continues.
Canada leaves TPP.
Mexico and NAFTA negotiations.
200 economists criticize NAFTA's ISDS<.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Nov. 7, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
NYC City Council Bill #800-2015 about pesticides and kids
Friends of Earth Bee Action Pesticide Campaign
Protectors of Pine Oak Woods.
Natural Resources Protective Association.
Environment TV Protect Graniteville Swamp.
Peoples' Voice Cafe.
Tropical Deforestation Links:
Tropical rainforest degradation contributes to climate chaos - article.
Tropical rainforest degradation contributes to climate chaos - interview.
Tropical rainforest degradation contributes to climate chaos - pri.
1999 rainforest loss article.
2005 rainforest loss article.
2005 Selective logging in Brazil.
After Indian Point Closes:
Safe Decommissioning and Just Transition.
Future for workers and nearby towns.
Workforce Transition.
Decommissioning and nuclear waste video.
Decommissioning and nuclear waste slideshow.
More Environmental News:
poison power subsidies - article.
poison power subsidies - report.
200 economists criticize NAFTA's ISDS.
Environmentalists' Necessity Defense wins in court.
Long-lasting toxics from California wildfires - Sierra Club.
Long-lasting toxics from California wildfires - CNN.

Web sites for announcements on the Sept. 26, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
NYC City Council Bill #800-2015 about pesticides and kids
Environment TV wins an award.
Henry Gifford's book about buildings.
Record worldwide heat wave.
More hurricanes to come.
Hudson River fossil fuel anchorages defunded.
Ocean currents changing due to climate chaos.
Stop huge amount of Brazilian rain forest destruction.
Ken Gale discusses hurricanes and climate chaos.
Superstorm Sandy 5th anniversary march.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the Sept. 12, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Nuclear reactors in Hurricane Harvey's path.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service.
What lies in Hurricane Irma's path.
Toxic waste released due to Hurricane Harvey was preventable.
South Texas nuclear power plant and Hurricane Harvey.
Radioactive contamination in Tokyo's drinking water.
California counties sue fossil fuel companies over climate change.
Court documents on California fossil fuel lawsuit.
Exxon study of climate change.
Multiple effects of western U.S. heat wave.
Weather-related deaths.
Hackers and the electricity grid
Information on the "Dragonfly" hackers.
Poverty, eco-systems and disease.
Plastic in drinking water - article.
Plastic in drinking water - study.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the August 29, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
The article on the words we use that inspired the show.
KPFT, Houston.
Renewable energy saves lives, makes jobs.
Bayer/Monsanto merger.
Brazilian Supreme Court upholds Indigenous land rights.
Pipeline co. may seize private property.
Judge gives pipeline co. property.
Lancaster officials kept out of the loop.
Pipeline co. buys farm.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro.
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the August 15, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Solar eclipse.
Earth Overshoot Day.
Palm oil spill closes beaches.
Exposing 14 nuclear power myths.
Amory Lovins' letter to FERC.
Amory Lovins article in Forbes.
Environmental effects of Mexico-U.S. wall.
Local environmental activism on Mexico-U.S. wall.
Parks to go walking in the woods north of NYC.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro.
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the July 18, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Republicans voting with Democrats on DoD Climate Change study.
1.5 million trees planted in 12 hours.
Court rules for former EPA over current EPA - Ecowatch.
Court rules for former EPA over current EPA - Reuters.
Flawed French nuclear reactor parts in U.S. reactors - French.
Flawed French nuclear reactor parts in U.S. reactors - English.
Utility anti-solar law backfires.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro.
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the July 4, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Spectra pipeline co. awaits FERC to realign policy.
Proposed tariff on electric ratepayers.
Suspended pipeline to continue.
50 mile long human chain.
Massive European anti-nuclear demonstration.
Human chain of 50,000 people.
Cracks in Belgian nuke.
Video of 50,000 people 50 mile human chain.
Nuclear plant to Mars.
Fossil fuel senator tries to criminalize anti-fossil fuel protests.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.
When government fears people there liberty quotation.
solartrainingusa.org .
Solar Foundation.
Senators attack DOE grid study.
Houseflies now in Antarctica.
Invasive species in Antarctic Ocean.
New York City leader in tackling climate change.
Turmoil in de Blasio's sustainability team.

Web sites for announcements on the May 9, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Local Anti-activist bill.
National Anti-protest bills.
Federal attacks on state and local support for renewable energy.
Study on environmental causes of cancer.
High summer temperatures due to El Nino.
LEl Nino likely this year.
Video of Tom Wysmuller explaining hurricanes.
Bolts missing from Indian Point 3 nuclear reactor vessel.
New York officials discuss closing of Indian Point nuclear reactors.
Westchester County, NY Stop Cuomo nuclear Tax rally.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
NAFTA and TiSA information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro.
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the April 25, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Clover makes lawns healthier.
Caterpillars eat plastic - Science Daily.
Caterpillars eat plastic - Newsweek.
Siberian methane bubbles & craters - International Business Times.
Many Siberian methane bubbles & craters articles - Siberian Times.
Dow Chemical ignores pesticide science - Center for Biological Diversity.
Dow Chemical pushes pesticide science aside - U.S. News and World Report.
Louisiana governor declares coastline emergency - Popular Resistance.
Louisiana suffers fastest sea level rise on Earth.
Louisiana governor declares coastline emergency - New Orleans Advocate.
Louisiana coastline state of emergency - New Orleans Times-Picayune.
Transshipping, fishing and human trafficking - article.
Transshipping, fishing and human trafficking - report.
April 29 sister climate marches worldwide.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service climate march contingent.
Staten Island April 29 climate march - Sustainable Staten Island.
Long Beach, L.I. April 29 climate march.
Roselle, NJ April 29 climate march.
Hackensack, NJ April 29 climate march.
Leonia, NJ April 29 climate march.
Westchester County, NY April 29 climate march.
Western Connecticut April 29 climate march.

Web sites for announcements on the April 11, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Climate change worsens nutrition.
Scientists march on Washington April 22.
NJ Scientists March April 22.
NYC Scientists March April 22.
April 29 sister climate marches worldwide.
Staten Island April 29 climate march - Sustainable Staten Island.
Long Beach, L.I. April 29 climate march.
Roselle, NJ April 29 climate march.
Hackensack, NJ April 29 climate march.
Leonia, NJ April 29 climate march.
Westchester County, NY April 29 climate march.
Western Connecticut April 29 climate march.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro.
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the March 28, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Ray Korona tribute concert April 8.
Scientists march on Washington April 22.
NYC Scientists March April 22.
Renewable energy gives more jobs than fossil fuels.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:

Web sites for announcements on the February 14, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Bills introduced to abolish EPA and Dept. of Education.
Summary of Water Protector events at Standing Rock, ND.
Pilgrim Pipeline at Mahwah, NJ.
Pilgrim Pipeline approvals process.
Ramapoughs in court.
Stream Protection Rule repealed.
Larsen C ice shelf cracks 17 more miles.
Pipeline explosion near New Orleans.
NY DEC report on sea level rise.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the January 31, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Energy efficiency training for multi-family building owners.
Solar sheds for Standing Rock Water Protectors.
Standing Rock camp moved.
Report for gardeners on bees - pdf.
Iowa pipeline leak.
Iowa pipeline leak - no cause known.
Wind power abundance makes nuclear plant lose money - see page 6.
Airplanes the largest source of lead pollution - article.
Airplanes the largest source of lead pollution - MIT study.
Louisiana pipeline protest.
Scientists march on Washington.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
Trade Justice NY Metro
More Environmental News:
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the January 17, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
Texas Indigenous Water Protectors.
Northeast U.S. heating up faster - UK Guardian.
Northeast U.S. heating up faster - Science Daily.
Northeast U.S. heating up faster - UMass-Amherst article.
Northeast U.S. heating up faster - UMass-Amherst Journal report.
Solar energy gives more jobs than all fossil fuel combined.
Solar energy gives more jobs than all fossil fuel combined Dept. of Energy article.
Solar energy gives more jobs than all fossil fuel combined - DOE report.
Solar energy gives more jobs than all fossil fuel combined - DOE report by states.
Thousands of birds killed but skies are no safer for planes.
NBC News report on pre-inauguration rally.
Women's March Nationwide 1-21-17.
Women's March NYC 1-21-17
Multi-faith prayer Vigil Brooklyn Bridge 1-22-17
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the January 3, 2017 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York State solar schools program.
Ramapough-Lenape Nation fights the Pilgrim pipeline - NBC News.
Ramapough-Lenape Nation fights the Pilgrim pipeline - Bergen Record.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.
Ramapough-Lenape Nation.
Hopi Hoop Dance revival.
Canada declares the Monarch Butterfly an endangered specie.
Milkweed Project to save the Monarch Butterfly.
Canada chooses the Gray Jay as the National Bird.
Cheetahs going extinct.
“Green is not White.”
“Energy efficiency is better than development of new energy sources.”
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the December 20, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
“Energy efficiency is better than development of new energy sources.”
NASA and DOE scientists worry about climate data being destroyed.
20 more pipelines slated for Indigenous occupied lands.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.
Ramapough-Lenape Nation.
Why retrofits fail - article.
Why retrofits fail - report.
Connecticut Supreme Court denies Millstone nuclear plant water.
North American Wind Association on new FWS eagle rules.
American Bird Conservancy on Golden Eagles.
American Bird Conservancy on new FWS eagle rules.
ABC's 10 worst wind energy sites for birds/.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements that just missed the December 6, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Large oil spill in North Dakota.
Weather channel responds to climate denier.

Web sites for announcements on the December 6, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Not TPP - TiSA.
Dakota Access Pipeline loses their permit.
Water Protector Legal Collective on the Standing Rock pipeline actions.
Petition to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline permanently.
Indian Point loses in court.
How to Save Money and "Save the Earth."
Growth of solar voltaic.
Solar panels installed on the White House.
Donald Trump's statements on climate.
Maps of pipeline accidents.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Links to a lot of TPP information - NYC Safe Energy Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the November 22, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
World War 3 Illustrated.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
NY tax money given to aging nuclear power plants.
Indian Point nukes must be reviewed by NY state.
New earthquake near Fukushima.
1/3 European species threatened with extinction.
Pesticide glyphosate found in food - article.
Pesticide glyphosate found in food - report.
Muslim climate coalition.
International Islamic Climate Change Symposium.
Critical injury by police attack on water protectors.
Collecting for Sophia Wilansky.
500,000 new solar panels each day 2015.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the October 25, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Upcoming TPP events.
7 species of bees added to endangered species list.
Winning against a World Bank corporate tribunal.
The CAFTA case against El Salvador's water.
Invester-State Dispute Settlements explained.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Saving Solar Net Metering.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the October 11, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Pipeline company gives money to community organizations.
Pipeline protests increasing - PBS.
Long distance hazards of a pipeline.
Resist AIM - info and actions.
Activists go inside Spectra pipeline - fios1news.
Activists go inside Spectra pipeline - Peekskill Patch.
5 nationwide pipeline protests.
Federal injunction on Standing Rock pipeline lifted.
Celebrity arrests with Standing Rock Lakota.
Indian Point nuke oil spill.
Governor calls for investigation of Indian Point nuke.
Good election analysis: Clinton and Trump promote fossil fuels during 2nd debate - climate change mentioned only once.
Hillary Clinton promotes fracking - The Intercept.
Hillary Clinton promotes fracking - Mother Jones.
Links to a lot of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) information.
Indigenous Peoples Condemn Nuclear Colonialism on "Columbus" Day.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Saving Solar Net Metering.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the September 27, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Solarize NYC / Shared Solar NYC.
NY Solar Map.
NY Solar Energy Industries Association.
NY Solar Energy Society.
Rocky Mountain Institute.
Archeologists send letter on Standing Rock pipeline - Popular Resistance.
Archeologists send letter on Standing Rock - American Anthropological Association.
Archeologists send letter on Standing Rock - Society for American Archaeology.
Archeologists send letter on Standing Rock - The Natural History Museum
Lakota Allies Gather to Stand Their Sacred Ground - Lakota web site.
1.5 billion birds killed - EcoWatch.
1.5 billion birds killed - Common Dreams.
1.5 billion birds killed Report and Conservation Plan pdf
Partners in Flight
USFWS restrict endangered species list
Store busted for selling elephant ivory
60,000+ citibikes rides daily.
Radioactive champagne.
Just Eat It, movie.
Links to a lot of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Saving Solar Net Metering.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the September 13, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Web sites on the issues of palm oil, slavery, deforestation and TPP
Nutrition report on palm oil - The Journal of Nutrition.
Article on palm oil, LDL cholesterol and trans fat - Today's Dietitican (for nutrition professionals.
Health and palm oil - Human Food Project.
100+ products made from slave labor - Huffington Post.
Map of slave labor products - National Post News.
Products made from slave labor - Business Insider.
Senate passes bill to ban slavery imports - CNN.
Will Orangutans go extinct?
Rainforest Relief
The palm oil crisis
Free the Slaves
Links to a lot of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
Web sites for the news and announcements
I'm speaking on Save Energy and "Save the Earth".
5th anniversary of Occupy Wall St. - 9/17/16.
Judge halts construction after Standing Rock pipeline protests.
Federal agencies step in after Standing Rock pipeline protests.
3 federal agencies' statement on Standing Rock pipeline.
Arrest warrent for Amy Goodman.
Judge Strikes Down Plan to Open California Lands to Fracking - A First!
Wastewater wells near California earthquake faults.
Fracking, Acidizing, and California’s Increased Earthquake Danger - report, maps and photos.
U.S. government helping Red Wolves go extinct - ecowatch.com.
U.S. government helping Red Wolves go extinct - Center for Biological Diversity.
Costa Rica 100% renewable electricity.
Germany bans fracking - yournewswire.com.
Germany bans fracking - Reuters News Service.
Fort Tryon medeival faire 9/18/16.
Saving Solar Net Metering.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the August 16, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Saving Solar Net Metering.
NY State Senate.
Solar event 8/17/16.
Senators come out against AIM pipeline.
18 military bases threatened by climate change.
Greenland ice melt and buried military base - Reader Supported News.
Greenland ice melt and buried military base - Scientific American.
Greenland ice melt and buried military base - ClimateCentral.org.
United for Action.
NY City Council bill bans fracking waste.
Chinese people stop uranium reprocessing plant.
NYC Friends of Clearwater.
Fort Tryon medeival faire 9/18/16.
Climate Monologues 9/24/16.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the July 5, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Pro-Trans-Pacific Partnership on Democratic Party platform.
Weak climate language in DNC platform.
Clinton & Sanders battle over Democratic Party platform.
Trump, trade, and the business community.
AFL-CIO on Trump and TPP.
Senate and zika virus fight.
What climate change means to Texas.
NJ flood protection.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
BOEM NY offshore wind environmental assessment pdf.
BOEM New York environmental studies.
BOEM Federal Register notices.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the June 21, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Clean Up the Clean Energy Standard.
Riverdrifter Art.
Will TPP be part of the Democratic Party platform? - The Hill.
Wall St. Journal claims Sierra Club is becoming pro-nuclear - not yet, btw.
Chile solar power is free - too cheap to meter.
Chile solar power article.
Marketing for modular NYC-oriented solar panels.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the May 24, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
TPP's threat to wildlife video.
lead in water New Rochelle, NY elementary school.
Portugal gets all electricity from renewables for four days in May.
Rewriting New York State Energy Standards.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the May 10, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Germany at 95% renewables May 8 electrek.co.
Germany at 95% renewables May 8 in German.
Germany at 95% renewables May 8 pv magazine.
We Are Seneca Lake.
Rewriting New York State Energy Standards.
Far Rockaway Indian Point panel May 18, 2016.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the April 26, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Determination.
AC Transmission Upgrades Proceeding.
NY Public Service Commission Indian Point Reliability Contingency Plans.
New York Independent System Operator.
Safe Energy Summit April 29 - May 1, 2016.
Friends of Clearwater concert April 29, NYC.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the April 12, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Massey Energy trial.
Indian Point rusty bolts shutdown via Lower Hudson News.
Indian Point rusty bolts shutdown Energy Matters article.
Where Indian Point electricity goes.
Safe Energy Summit April 29 - May 1, 2016.
Friends of Clearwater concert April 29, NYC.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the March 29, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Health hazards of methane compressor stations.
Global warming effects from methane article.
Global warming effects from methane study.
Environment & Energy Publishing.
Environment TV's News Magazine is back.
Indian Point 11 go to trial.
Safe Energy Summit April 29 - May 1, 2016.
Friends of Clearwater concert April 29, NYC.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the March 15, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Environment TV's News Magazine is back.
Indian Point 11 go to trial.
Safe Energy Summit.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the Feb 16, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
No one takes responsibility for uranium mining deaths and birth defects
Energy Town Hall downloadable flyer.
Fossil fuel loses in Kentucky Supreme Court
Safe Energy Summit.
Links to a lot of safe energy information.
Links to a lot of TPP information.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the Jan. 19, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
NY City Council solar study bill.
Analyses of TPP & State of the Union address.
Attorney General letter to FERC.
Venezuela bans GMOs - Pan-Latin American TV.
Venezuela bans GMOs - ecowatch.com.
NYC Parks & toxic pesticide.
Links to a lot of TPP information".
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for cyber-attacks on the electricity grid for the Jan. 5, 2016 episode of Eco-Logic.
Rye, NY Dam, Lower Hudson News
Rye, NY Dam, Wall st. Journal (requires login)
Cyber-security at nuclear facilities, Chatham House
Rye, NY Dam, New York magazine
Rye, NY Dam, Democrat and Chronicle newspaper
Rigid thinking, Dept. of Homeland Security
Grid security, New York Times (requires login)
Nuclear plant cyber-security, New York Times (requires login)
Grid security, New York Times (requires login)
Many cyber- and other attacks on the grid, USA Today
Cyber-security, New York Times (requires login)
NRC hacked, Nextgov
Cyber-espionage on the grid, Symantec
Cyber-attacks and Wall St., Marketwatch

Web sites for announcements on the Dec. 22, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Community Watersheds Clean Water Coalition.
Community Watersheds Clean Water Coalition last newsletter.
Why Japan still hunts whales.
Indian Point control rod accident.
2015 Indian Point accidents.
World's largest offshore wind farm.
Links to a lot of TPP information".
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information - Citizens Trade Campaign.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements on the Nov. 24, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Resist AIM facebook.
Resist AIM wordpress.
Report on Algonquin pipeline blockade - Popular Resistance.
Report on Algonquin pipeline blockade - Sane Energy Project.
Overuse of insecticides for absent pests.
Dr. Jonathan Lundgren files suit against USDA.
Search on "Dr. Jonathan Lundgren".
1940s nuclear waste and cancer.
1940s nuclear waste in Middlesex, NJ.
1940s nuclear waste near Niagara Falls.
EPA leaves information out of fracking study.
Exxon hides their climate research - Union of Concerned Scientists.
Exxon hides their climate research - Time magazine (short article).
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, or

Web sites for announcements of the Nov. 10, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Sustainable Development Institute of the Menominee.
Turtle Island Matrix.
TPP links:
The full text.
Public Citizen's TAKE ACTION NOW: Please urge your Congress members to vote NO on the TPP.
Food and Water Watch.
National Sierra Club (includes more links).
Huffington Post.
compilation of news articles and press releases from many groups.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
Other articles mentioned:
Nine arrested blocking Algonquin pipeline.
Texas utility offering free electricity.
Alaskan villages using wind power not diesel.
Conservatives worried about Himalayan glacier melt.
Republicans talking climate change.
Saving America’s Pollinators Act of 2015, HR1284 - text.
Saving America’s Pollinators Act of 2015, HR1284 - petition.
2015 Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act, HR2280 - text.
2015 Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act, HR2280 - petition.
Drones and endangered Black-Footed Ferrets.
Mother Jones climate chart for presidential candidates.
USGS fracking and earthquake study - AAAS.
USGS fracking and earthquake study - USGS.
USGS fracking and earthquake study article.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, www.biologicaldiversity.org or www.theenvironmenttv.nyc

Web sites for announcements of the Oct. 27, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Campaign.
Building Energy Exchange.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
Pilgrim Pipeline route.
Seabirds fishing bycatch.
Northwest Forest Plan.
American Bird Conservancy.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, www.biologicaldiversity.org or www.theenvironmenttv.nyc

Web sites for announcements on the Sept. 29, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Adam Purple's passing.
New Zealand Prime Minister on TPP.
New Zealand court case on Trans-Pacific Partnership.
NZ Nurses Organizations on TPP.
Rep. Levin memo on TPP.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
New York City Safe Energy Campaign.
EcoAnchor NYC home page - environmental news.
Center for Biological Diversity - environmental news.
Environment TV - environmental news.
www.ecoanchornyc.com, www.biologicaldiversity.org or www.theenvironmenttv.nyc

Web sites for announcements for the Sept. 15, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Bees saved from sulfoxaflor.
Info on bee colony collapse disorder.
Court case on bees, sulfoxaflor and EPA.
Court opinion on bees, sulfoxaflor and EPA.
Marine life and noise pollution.
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.
Howard Brown facebook page.
Video of Chris Benedict's building, 803 Knickerbocker.
"The Perfect Energy Code," a 10 minute play by and with Chris Benedict and Henry Gifford.
New York City Safe Energy Campaign.

Web sites for announcements for the Sept. 1, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
New Zealand protests and lawsuit vs. Trans-Pacific Partnership.
NBC poll on "free trade agreements".
Environmental justice article on Hurricane Katrina anniversary.
Malaysia crackdown on environmental activist.
Olympics water pollution search.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
New York City Safe Energy Campaign.

Web sites for announcements for the Aug. 18, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
7th Annual Water Festival.
TPP Investor-State Dispute Settlement petition.
Solar panels for low income families press release.
Solar panels for low income families bill text.
Navajo uranium mining disaster and Jacob Aftel commemoration.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
New York City Safe Energy Campaign.

Web sites for announcements for the Aug. 4, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
7th Annual Water Festival.
Earth Overshoot Day.
KXL corrosion article.
KXL corrosion report.
40 fracking-caused earthquakes in one week in Oklahoma.
Anti-fracking tribunals and UK cuts solar incentives.
Navajo uranium mining disaster and Jacob Aftel commemoration.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.

Web sites for announcements for the pre-empted July 21, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
TPP, Malaysia and human trafficking.
Gov. Chris Christie sells NJ drinking water supplies.
Water privatization info - Food and Water Watch.
NJ Water privatization info - Food and Water Watch.
Water privatization info - Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter.
Statue of Liberty switches to LED lighting.
Trade Justice, local anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.

Web sites for announcements from the July 7, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
6 TPP chapters need "political settlement".
Who in Congress was paid $200 million to vote for Fast Track/TPP.
Donors have access to TPP document.
Solar jobs census.
Ex-NYC Mayor Ed Koch says "Close Indian Point" - Gotham Gazette.
Ex-NYC Mayor Ed Koch says "Close Indian Point" - Huffington Post.
Oklahomans allowed to sue over fracking earthquakes.
NYC to recycle compost.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.

Web sites for announcements from the June 23, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Video explanation of Pope's Climate Change Encyclical.
Who in Congress was paid $200 million to vote for Fast Track/TPP.
Coral reefs protected.
View and compare building energy use.
NYC buildings' energy use data.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.

Web sites for announcements from the June 9, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Senators paid for Fast Track/TPP.
List of campaign donations per Senator.
Obama trade bill and fast track.
Dueling off-shore oil drilling bills in Congress.
Radioactive food from Japan.
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network.
WTO and Country of Origin labeling bill.
NAFTA, El Salvador gold mine and water.
International fossil fuel subsidies.
Africa Progress Panel.
Kofi Annan and fossil fuel subsidies.
EPA, bees and pesticides.

Web sites for announcements from the May 12, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Texas fracking earthquakes.
Oklahoma fracking earthquakes - Scientific American.
Mainstream News covers the Indian Point explosion.
Gas pipeline near Indian Point nuclear plant.
Join Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition e-list.
Chernobyl forest fire - US News.
solar-powered NYC electric cars - public relations.
WBAI premium - UNintelligent Design cd.
WBAI premium - Religious Environmentalism dvd.
WBAI premium - Package of both.

Web sites for announcements from the April 28, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
ALEC Climate Change Denial.
Climate Change Deniers Desperate.
NYC Energy Plan - OneNYC.
Japanese dolphin kills.
Japanese courts and nuclear plants.
Radioactive playgrounds.
EPA loophole for oil & gas.
Analysis of fracking waste.
Study on New York fracking waste.
Love Your Tree Day - Upper West Side.

Web sites for announcements from the April 14, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Earth Day Events.
Peoples' Voice Cafe.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Life at the Limits, American Museum of Natural History.
Some renewable energy studies.
SUNY Albany solar energy study.
Richard Perez solar energy study.
CUNY - solar energy in NYC.
NYC a TPP-free zone.
How much power do cable boxes waste? - How-To Geek
Cable boxes energy facts - NRDC.
Money wasted by cable boxes - Noah Horowitz.
Dogs and pipelines.
Fracking and the California drought.
Chemical dispersants and EPA.
Radon and fracking.
Study on radon, fracking and cancer in Pennslvania.
Report on radon, fracking and cancer in Pennslvania.
Tax subsidies that goes to polluters.
NYC Friends of Clearwater.

Web sites for announcements from the March 31, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Peoples' Voice Cafe.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Tree giveaway at Brook Park.
Taking water to bottle during a drought.
Explosive oil trains under West Point.
Japanese Catholic Bishops, the Pope and nuclear power.
Principles of Environmental Justice.

Web sites for announcements from the March 17, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Peoples' Voice Cafe.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Military environmental destruction.
Fukushima wants Olympic baseball.
1960s fracking and nuclear waste.
1960s fracking and earthquakes.
fracking leaks.
Steelworkers thank environmentalists.
deer eating birds article.
deer eating birds video.
Wild Giant Pandas increasing.
NYC Environmental Control Board owed money.
Not using radioactive ammunition in Iraq.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide didn't increase Grist.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide didn't increase IEA.
Bill to allow pipeline companies more eminent domain.
Governor Cuomo diverting renewable energy money.
NYC Council resolution on TPP.
Trade Justice anti-TPP group.
Trans-Pacific Partnership information.
Plastic in the ocean advocacy.
Plastic in the ocean science report.
genetically-engineered tree Center for Food Safety.
genetically-engineered tree government letter.
genetically-engineered tree Sierra Club.
genetically-engineered tree advocacy.
California nukes in court.
Dr. Ernest Sternglass.

Web sites for announcements from the Jan. 20, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Eco-Logic page on Eco Anchor NYC.
Bakken oil pipeline break, CNN report.
Bakken oil pipeline break, Rachel Maddow video.
Bakken oil pipeline break, local newspaper.
Science analyzes climate deniers.
Why you shouldn't warm up your car more than 30 seconds.
Charlie Hebdo and nuclear power cartoons.
fracking-style uranium mining.
oil train accident national story.
oil train accident local story.
Bakken crude oil is more flammable than other types.
Arresting Santa Claus near Seneca Lake, upstate New York.
solar schools across the U.S.
More solar schools info.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.

Web sites for announcements from the Jan. 6, 2015 episode of Eco-Logic.
Subsidies for small town airports.
nonessential air travel graphic.
More jet plane information.
Kochs, Walmart & ALEC try to stop rooftop solar.
2014 was the hottest year on record.
UK Guardian - local climage change solutions.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.
Offshore liquified natural gas plant info.
Environmentalism and Religion panel.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.

Web sites for announcements from the Dec. 23, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Japan restricts solar power.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.
Environmentalism and Religion panel.

Web sites for announcements from the Dec. 9, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Pipeline inspector numbers.
unprofitable fracking.
Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.

Web sites for announcements from the Nov. 25, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
2014 Rubber Dodo Award.
Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.
Nov. 22 Japan earthquake general search.
Nov. 22 Japan earthquake Asahi Shimbun.
Nov. 22 Japan earthquake Indian Express.
Earthquakes and Nuclear Safety in Japan.
Explaining the Richter Scale

Web sites for announcements from the Nov. 11, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
New York City Safe Energy Coalition.
Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy.
Stop Pilgrim Pipeline.
New specie of Leopard Frog.
Tell the EPA NOT to re-define nuclear power as "clean."
Read or search all 262 pages of the EPA proposal and leave them a comment.

Web sites for announcements from the Sept. 30, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Tell the EPA NOT to re-define nuclear power as "clean."
Read or search all 262 pages of the EPA proposal and leave them a comment.
release of genetically modified moths.
methane (aka natural gas) not a bridge fuel - ecowatch.
methane (aka natural gas) not a bridge fuel - Science magazine.

Web sites for announcements from the Sept. 2, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Eco-Logic facebook page.
fm chips in smart phones.
Free Radio On My Phone.
carbon-free nuke-free contingent of People's Climate March.
People's Climate March.
Chris Hedges criticism of the People's Climate March.
Strategies and tactics for after the People's Climate March.
Methane and other contributors to climate chaos.
100th anniversary of the last Passenger Pigeon.
Radiation and health effects from Fukushima Daiichi disaster.
Nature magazine article with bibliography of Fukushima Daiichi disaster.
Ken Gale on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show 6.57-6.59 (from Earth Day 2014 march).
Earth Day 2014 march Ken at 20:50.

Web sites for announcements from the July 22, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
fm chips in smart phones.
Free Radio On My Phone.
Local newspaper article on an earthquake near the Indian Point nuclear plant.
Earthquake potential of New York state.
Earthquake potential of New York state pdf.
1971 Adirondacks earthquake swarm.
Adirondack earthquakes article.
NRC demands earthquake analyses of nukes.
Indigenous Resistance and Liberation.
Rio Puerco uranium disaster Navajo Times.
Rio Puerco uranium disaster Greenpeace Chronicles.
Rio Puerco uranium disaster Chemical Heritage Magazine.
Rio Puerco uranium disaster Land Use History of North America.
Rio Puerco uranium disaster Daily Times.
International Energy Efficiency Scorecard.
Obama opens Eastern Seaboard to oil exploration.

Web sites for announcements from the July 8, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Cape Wind loan article.
Cape Wind loan DOE press release.
Cape Wind loan & birds article.
East Harlem Fund-raising Party July 12.
video & stills City Council hearing on gas & water infrastructure 6/16/14.
New York court upholds local bans on fracking.

Web sites for announcements from the June 24, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Video: 1 million pounds of food on 3 acres.
Great Extinction article.
Great Extinction op ed.
Great Extinction study.
The Nation's analysis of the administration's climate plan.
Beyond Nuclear's analysis of the administration's climate plan.
UN press release on sustainabile energy. Greenwashing?
White House task force on honeybee decline.
Fracktivists and pipeline activists win in court.

Web sites for announcements from the April 29, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
NY Sun Initiative.
A California County goes 152% renewable.
Green World online magazine.
Entergy executives selling their stock.
Earthquake and fracking links made in Ohio.
Frackers sued in Texas and lose $3M from CNN.
Frackers sued in Texas and lose $3M from CNN.
PSE&G gets criminal charges over deadly San Bruno methane explosion - from LA Times.

Web sites for announcements from the April 15, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Scottish study on bats and radar repellent at wind farms.
Sea level rise force total evacutaion treehugger.
Sea level rise force total evacutaion The Ecologist.
Rev. Billy is doing street theatre and concerts on the honeybee crisis.

Web sites for announcements from the April 1, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Actual Methane (aka "natural gas") Emissions Measured in Manhattan.
Environment TV video on methane emissions.
Large LNG plant gas explosion March 31.
Video of East Harlem march responding to the gas explosion edited down to 10 minutes.
Explaining the Three Mile Island disaster of 35 years ago.
Help a fracktivist fight Cabot Oil.
Galveston Bay oil spill.
Miscellaneous information on the Galveston Bay oil spill.
The last "radium girl."
Credo Petition to shut down the Indian Point nuclear plant.
Moveon Petition to shut down the Indian Point nuclear plant.

Web sites for announcements from the March 4, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking - Wall St. Journal online.
Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking - Daily Kos.
Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking - Think Progress.
Ancient virus in the permafrost.
Amory Lovins analysis of utilities and renewable energy.
Conference on the Rights of Nature.
Food safety articles and petitions.
Petition to label GMO foods in New York.
Crude oil transport on the Hudson River lawsuit.
Petition to shut down the Indian Point nuclear plant.
Petition to restore the West Pond of Jamaica Bay.

Web site announcement from the Feb. 18, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Dr. Perez's Question Power Video for the Museum of Virginia on solar energy potential.

Web sites for announcements from the Feb. 11, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Citizen United actions nationwide to keep polluters from influencing elections.
Fossil fuel subsidies dammage world economy - Inter Press Service News Agency.
Fossil fuel subsidies dammage world economy - IMF.
Stop the reclassification of nuclear power as renewable energy and other safe energy actions.
Save bees from pesticides.
Back Yard Bird Count.
New York City Friends of Clearwater Pete Seeger Memorial Concert.

Web sites for announcements from the Feb. 4, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
EPA changing radiation regulations.
Solartopia - Pete Seeger, Dar Williams, David Bernz & Rivertown Kids with lyrics.
Nuclear plants shut down due to ice and snow.
Professor loses funding for criticizing herbicide atrazine.

Web sites for announcements from the Jan. 21, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
TPP, fast track & lack of democratic party sponsors.
Australian heat wave and Flying Fox deaths.
Al Gore on geoengineering (alternet).
Al Gore on geoengineering (UK Guardian).
John Holdren on geoengineering (White House).
John Holdren on the polar vortex (White House).
Tom Wysmuller predicting the polar vortex (Eco-Logic).
Is Japan building nuclear weapons?.
Disney promting fossil fuels.
Climate Parents.
Governments can legally revoke the charter of a polluting corporation.

Web sites for announcements from the Jan. 7, 2014 episode of Eco-Logic.
Williams compressor station fire.
Sane Energy Project Williams-Transco safety record.
WBNG-TV 32 second report on Williams compressor station fire.
Coalition Against the Rockaway Pipeline (CARP).
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article on PA Supreme Court fracking decision.
Philadelphia Inquirer report on the first criminal action against a Marcellus Shale drilling company.

Web sites for announcements from the Dec. 24, 2013 episode of Eco-Logic.
Committee to Save Mount Manresa, Staten Island, NY.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service Action Page.
Elizabeth Warren and Hilary Clinton square off on climate change.
FAIR on corporate media climate reports.
New York Assembly Radon bill.
Berlin Science Fair Theatre. Remember to click on the cc button on the lower right for English subtitles.

Web sites for announcements from the Nov. 26, 2013 episode of Eco-Logic.
Bee-killing pesticides report.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service Action Page.
American Renewable Energy & Efficiency Act petition.
Make your opinions about fracking, pipelines, LNG known to the state.

Web sites for announcements from the Nov. 12, 2013 episode of Eco-Logic.
Fossil fuel subsidies' costs.
Tax credits expiring.
Climate chaos's effect on the world economy.
Japanese Fukushima secrecy.
Saving bats from extinction.

Web sites for announcements from the Oct. 1, 2013 episode of Eco-Logic.
Union of Radical Professional Economists
NYC Friends of Clearwater
Northeastern Sustainable Energy Association
Rocky Mountain Institute
Report on human health effects of bisphenol A
State Department's review of the Keystone XL pipeline
Reckless Endangerment While Fracking the Texas Eagle Ford Shale
Colorado flood, fracking and New York
Great fracking movie: Split Estate
U.S. bans fishery and agricultural products from Japan due to Fukushima Daiichi

Web sites for announcements from the Sept. 17, 2013 episode of Eco-Logic.
Climate Chaos and Syrian War
Arnie Gunderson interviews Amory Lovins on U.S. energy future
Russia warns of catastrophe if Syrian nuclear reactor hit by U.S. strike
Japanese doctors ordered to withold radiation info from patients
Parts of Europe heating faster than global average
Genetically Modified Organism labeling activism
Trans-Pacific Partnership to ban gmo labeling
Organizing to fix 1872 mining law giveaways

Six weeks of accumulated Web sites for announcements from the Sept. 3, 2013 episode of Eco-Logic.
Zealand Herald article on radioactive tuna due to Fukushima Daiichi.
French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety reports in English on
Fukushima Daiichi.
Japan Times English fishing renewed then suspended off Fukushima Prefecture.
British news service reports on Fukushima Daiichi's lost fuel.
Dirty tricks by three southern California utilities to stop the growth of solar in Latino
communities. I bring this up not because WBAI is broadcasting California programming, but
because we can expect the same sorts of tactics elsewhere, including this area. For more
information and to view a funny satiric video, go to
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) finally put out a
for international aid.
A lot of information is on Energy News i.e.:
international concern
Pacific Ocean seeping
Japanese leader in mid-east to push nuclear exports
It's a worst-case scenario
Wall St. Journal: missing fuel rods
no way to contain radioactive water
radiation spikes video
Science News magazine Chinese coal soot shading the Pacific Ocean.
pro-nuke lies on German renewables.
fracking in the middle of a dispute among Iroquois similar to Navajo and uranium mining.
What fracking does to mortgages from
Shale Shock Media and
The fracking industry avoids paying royalties to leaseowners.
5 U.S. bird species in danger of extinction.
The last Passenger Pigeon.
U.S. Navy vs. Blue Whales.
Groups fighting for honeybees vs. pesticide companies: Sum of Us,
Public Citizen,
Friends of Earth and
Organic Consumers Association.
Information and local actions on the dangerous and anti-life Trans-Pacific Partnership,
Insiders selling Monsanto stock due to GMO activism.
On September 28th, 2013, Indian Point 2 becomes the first and only nuclear reactor in the United States to operate without a license. For more information and to join actions Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition.
Tours of solar installations Oct. 5, 2013 Northeastern Sustainable Energy Association.
Direct links to past Eco-Logic episodes.
hurricane name change video satire and
Some of the music:
Dan Berggren's "Power from Above".
Emma's Revolution "Kilimanjaro".
Sharon Abreu performs as me in The Climate Monologues.
The song is Swamp fox
and there is a short video excerpt "I" am at 7:34.

If you find a baby bird or mammal, here is info for you.
Antarctic ice sheet melting
article from Science News magazine.
The UK Guardian's lengthy series on greenwashing.
A do-it-yourself solar battery charger. I haven't tried this myself, but it looks like it would work.
From the Feb. 21, 2012 Eco-Logic news section:
Every nuclear power plant emits radioactive gases every day that it operates.
The magazine The Ecologist reports two more studies linking nuclear
power plants and childhood leukemia increases, these from France and Germany. The French study,
conducted by the Institut de Radioprotectio n et de Surete Nucleaire (INSERM) and reported in the
International Journal on Cancer
in January 2012, looked at child leukaemia cases nationwide diagnosed between 2002 and 2007,
with addresses coded around 19 nuclear power plants. It demonstrated a stastically signficant
doubling of the incidence of leukaemia childhood near nuclear power plants.
The French study confirms an earlier German study,
known as the KiKK, which found a doubling of the incidence of child leukaemia near nuclear
power plants, and an increased risk of 60 per cent for all childhood cancers. The KiKK f
indings were confirmed by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection. You may hear
on commercial media that there is no connection because of a recent study in the UK.
While every study showing a connection between cancer and nuclear power has been confirmed
and re-confirmed, including the ones in Westchester County, NY, that UK study has not been
verified by any other study.
The entire article is on
The Ecologist web site.
The Feb. 15th issue of the online magazine
Common Dreams
has a detailed article on who is funding the climate change deniars
From the Dec. 14, 2010 Eco-Logic news section:
From the Neighborhood Energy Network comes this
information. A report from the National Research Council examines and estimates hidden
costs of energy production and use that are not reflected in market prices of coal, oil,
other energy sources, or the electricity and gasoline produced from them, such as the damage
air pollution imposes on human health. The report estimates dollar values for several major
components of these costs. The committee was able to quantify an estimated $120 billion in
the U.S., a number that reflects primarily health damages from air pollution associated with
electricity generation and motor vehicle transportation. The figure does not include damages
from climate change, harm to ecosystems, effects of some air pollutants such as mercury, and
risks to national security, which the report examines but does not monetize. To read the
entire report, go to
Heatisonline.org has an article that the Tea Party and other Climate Change Deniers are
funded by BP and other Major Polluters. To read the article, go to
Energy Conservation comic strip
Chernobyl-on-the-Hudson (Indian Point Nuclear Plant) written by Ken Gale
An August 6, 2012
YouTube video of the Occupy Wall St. rally on the 67th anniversary of the Hiroshima A-bombing.
My talk connecting nuclear power and nuclear weapons begins at 04:42.
Neighborhood Energy Network
Burning Forests for Electricity article
Declining prices for solar panels article
Pale Male web page (nesting NYC hawk)
NYC Campaign to Close Indian Point
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
Riverkeeper's Indian Point web page
CRAC-2 Report, Consequences of a Nuclear Reactor Accident
Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program
Rocky Mountain Institute - Information on a variety of environmental issues.
Alt Power
New York Solar Energy Industries
Union of Concerned Scientists-USA
Three Mile Island Alert
Mothers' Alert
NY Energy Challenge
Vertic (Verification Research)
International Atomic Energy Agency
"Depleted" Uranium info
Nuclear Guardianship
New York Water
Public Citizen Water Advocacy
Council of Canadians) (water issues)
Oceans Blue
Cruise Junkie
Musicians United for a Sustainable Environment (MUSE)
Student Environmental Action Coalition
Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice
Students for a Free Tibet
NYC Environmental Justice Alliance
Peace Action New York
Extinction information links page
National Vaccine Information Center
International Forum on Globalization
Highlands Coalition
Office of the Americas
Pratt Institute Center for Community & Environmental Development
No Spray Coalition West Nile Virus
Linnaean Society (birding group)
Queens County Bird Club
Defenders of Wildlife
American Museum of Natural History
Environmental Protection Information Center, Cal.
The Earth Restoration & Reforestation Alliance
Rainforest Action Network
Rainforest Relief, Brooklyn
Northwest Earth Institute
Building Energy
Global Exchange, chocolate and child labor, etc.
Earth Island Institute
Links for the 11/5/02 show on Ecological Transportation:
Emissions Comparisons
Motor Vehicle Pollutants
Safe Routes to Schools
Bicycle Commuting
FTA Public Transit Policy
CT Mass Transit Land Use
Right Of Way
NRDC Diesel school bus article
Pfeiffer Center
Peeka Trenkle
Organic Consumers Association
The Campaign (genetic engineering issues)
Center for Food Safety
National Family Farm Coalition
Crop Choice (farmers' group)

PAGE UPDATED November 23, 2020