The Celtic League American Branch publishes its own magazine, KELTOI. Each issue is devoted to a specific area of Celtic history and goes into far greater detail than any other Celtic League publication. Contains articles, art, poetry, letters, book, music and media reviews. (Unfortunately, KELTOI #6 is the only issue available.)

Keltoi #6

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Table of Contents

The Survival of Gaelic Tradition in Newfoundland And interview with folklorist Margaret Bennet by Liam Ó Caiside

Glyn Dwr - The War for Welsh Independence 1400-1415 by Stephen P. DeVillo

The Hero Transformed - The Ordeal of Lleu as Shamanic Tradition by Leigh Ann Hussey

A Cornerstone of the Celtic Year - Bealtaine and Calan Mai in Myth and Tradition by Liam Ó Caiside

Poetry: Marzhin en e Gavell (Merlin in his Cradle)

Book Reviews by Alexei Kondratiev, Stephen Paul DeVillo and Liam Ó Caiside

Celtic Chronicle - Battle of Nechtansmerc: Northumbrian Invasion of Scotland, 685

What is a Celt by Rand March, Alexei Kondratiev and Liam Ó Caiside

To order:

US $3.00, Canada $5.00 (US), Celtic nations $5.00 (US), elsewhere $6.00 (US) each postpaid.

Celtic League American Branch
P.O. Box 20153
Dag Hammarskjold Center
New York, NY 10017